Bonded Acrylic RPE

The Bonded Palatal Expansion Appliance features clear acrylic bite blocks tailored to primary teeth, connected by palatal bars with a central expansion mechanism. Depending on needs, it can integrate headgear tubes or protraction hooks, enabling compatibility with the corresponding headgear.


  • Wires
  • Screw centered at midline in the 5(e)/6 area.
  • Positioned parallel to the occlusal surface, 1-1.5mm from the palate for comfort.


  • Covers 4(d)-6, including palate, buccal, occlusal, and lingual surfaces.
  • Palatal acrylic is 2-3mm thick, increasing as needed to encase the screw.
  • Lingual acrylic is 2-3mm thick, tapering near the gingival.
  • Buccal acrylic is 2-3mm thick, tapering to 1-2mm near the gingival, extending 1-2mm below the gingival margin.
  • When a lower model is provided: occlusal coverage is flat with point contact of lower posteriors.
  • Without a lower model: occlusal acrylic is flat, 2-3mm thick in the posterior and 3-4mm in the anterior.
  • Upper tooth indentations in acrylic are sandblasted for bonding.


  • Haas Expansion Screw
  • Acrylic: Clear Monomer
  • Acrylic: Clear Polymer